8 Steps to managing asbestos safely
1 – take reasonable steps to find out if there are materials containing asbestos in non-domestic premises, and if so, its amount, where it is and what condition it is in; 2 – presume materials contain asbestos unless there is strong evidence that they do not; 3 – make, and keep up to date, a record of the location and condition of the asbestos containing materials or materials which are presumed to contain asbestos; 4 – assess the risk of anyone being exposed to fibres from the materials identified; 5 – prepare a plan that sets out in detail how the risks from these materials will be managed; 6 – take the necessary steps to put the plan into action; 7 – periodically review and monitor the plan and the arrangements to act on it so that the plan remains relevant and up-to-date; and 8 – provide information on the location and condition of the materials to anyone who is liable to work on or disturb them.
Information taken from the HSE website http://www.hse.gov.uk/asbestos/campaign/duty.htm
Published Mar 14, 2011