Manage buildings? You must manage Asbestos
Why manage asbestos?
Asbestos must be properly managed to prevent people dying from asbestos diseases in the future. Workers who carry out building maintenance and repair are particularly at risk. Each year 1000 people who worked in such trades die from past exposures to asbestos fibres, and these workers are still at risk. Half a million commercial buildings still contain asbestos.
If you are responsible for managing the maintenance and repair of a building, you must manage any asbestos in it. As well as protecting people from exposure to asbestos fibres, you have a legal duty to manage asbestos ( under regulation 4 ofthe Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 ).
Does the duty to manage asbestos af fect me?
Yes, if you are responsible for maintenance and repairs. You are a ‘dutyholder’ if:
❋ you own the building;
❋ you are responsible through a contract or tenancy agreement;
❋ there is no formal contract or agr eement but you have control of the building;
❋ in a multi occupied building, you are the owner and have taken responsibility for maintenance and repairs for the whole building.
If you are unsure whether you are a dutyholder seekprofessional advice.
Graph Contract Services– We have over 25 years hands-on experience of working with asbestos in both residential & commercial premises. We offer free impartial advice based upon our years of experience. Asbestos awareness can save lives!
If you need an asbestos survey, or a need a material sampling & analysing for asbestos, please contact Graph Contract Services on 07802 455049. We carry out asbestos sampling, asbestos management surveys, asbestos refurbishment surveys, asbestos demolition surveys, asbestos inspections, asbestos management of asbestos in domestic & non-domestic properties.
We work both local and nationally, having recently carried out asbestos surveys in Bristol, London, Manchester, Leeds, Wakefield, Bradford, Huddersfield, Halifax,
Asbestos Surveys Leeds; Asbestos Surveys Manchester; Asbestos surveys Sheffield; Asbestos surveys Bristol; Asbestos surveys Hereford; Asbestos surveys Lincoln; Asbestos surveys Wetherby; Asbestos surveys Harrogate; Asbestos surveys Lincolnshire; Asbestos surveys York; Asbestos surveys Boston Spa; Asbestos surveys Dewsbury; Asbestos surveys Suffolk; Asbestos surveys Batley; Asbestos surveys Keighley; Asbestos surveys Stockport; Asbestos surveys Greater Manchester; Asbestos surveys Bury; Asbestos surveys Bolton; Asbestos surveys Oldham; Asbestos surveys Liverpool; Asbestos surveys Chester; Asbestos surveys Barnsley; Asbestos surveys Greater Manchester; Asbestos surveys Salford; Asbestos surveys Beverley; Asbestos surveys Leeds; Asbestos surveys Bridlington; Asbestos surveys Scarborough; Asbestos surveys Lincoln; Asbestos surveys Sheffield, Asbestos surveys Castleford.
Published Jul 17, 2014